Prescribe and Manage Hormone Therapy With Ease & Confidence
I cannot wait to teach and share my knowledge with you! This course is open to healthcare professionals who prescribe, including NPs, PAs, MDs, DOs, and pharmacists!
Course objectives:
(1) Course participants will be able to recognize common clinical presentations of symptomatic menopause and list basic lab work necessary for diagnosis.
(2) Course participants will be able to explain findings from large hormone therapy (HT) trials, including the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) and post-hoc analyses, the WHI-Memory Study (WHI-MS), the Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study, (KEEPs) trial, the Million Women Study, and the Estrogen and Thromboembolism Study (ESTHER).
(3) Course participants will be able to outline the benefits and risks of HT and will be able to counsel patients on the efficacy of HT when used for women with symptomatic VMS or GSM compared to non-hormonal and over-the-counter options.
(4) Course participants will be able to recall commonly used HT prescribing options, including both systemic and local HT.
(5) Course participants will be able to discuss the impact and risks to women with persistent untreated menopausal symptoms, including quality of life measures, bone and vaginal health, and the direct and indirect economic disturbances of women missing work and/or leaving the workforce early due to untreated symptoms.
(6) Course participants will be able to list the risks of the rising industry of compounded, non-FDA approved HT preparations, which are rising due to the lack of physician comfort in prescribing FDA-approved HT
"I think this course is better than the NAMS provider manual. I think if you want to take the NAMS test this class is a must. The book does not provide how to prescribe as you did. I am a certified provider since Oct. and after this course, I finally feel confident to prescribe MHT and HRT!" Mandy L Corvino, FNP-BC, NCMP.
"Absolutely yes! [I would recommend to a colleague] I particularly found your enthusiasm contagious and your style of evidence-based teaching highly effective. I like the idea of not just one size fits all and that it’s ok to be creative with patients' treatment options. Through the FB group, I was able to expand my referral network. For example, I now regularly chat with Dr. Val Cacho, a sleep specialist. I hope to refer some of my insomnia and sleep apnea patients to her. A welcome value of your course is the FB group which will enable me to continue to tap into, it long after the course is through. This ongoing support and feedback are invaluable, especially with respect to challenging cases." Ann Boss CNM, APN, NCMP
"NAMS CME course is good for science but Dr. Heather Hirsch's course is much more practical for the real world" Betty Y Wang M.D.
"I do feel like I will be certified with the help of this course," Lexie Morales, MD OB/GYN
"I did the virtual NAMS meeting 2022(menopause 101 and the main meeting) in hopes of getting the fundamentals of HT and did not feel like I got it. I’m very hopeful this will help me become NAMS certified." Rebecca Mervis, M.D.
"It was more practice-based and real-world applicable. I have been NAMS certified since 2018 and I am always learning and looking to better my menopause practice and approach to patient care." Stacy Ammerman, D.O.
Your Instructor

Course Curriculum
StartHormone therapy in women after hysterectomy (23:11)
StartHormone therapy in women with intact uterus (50:11)
StartHormone Therapy for women with amenorrhea but intact uterus (ie, IUD usage) (20:25)
StartHormone therapy in women after BSO with intact uterus (15:34)
StartHormone Therapy for Early and Premature Menopause (40:17)
StartHormone therapy in the High Risk, Non-Cancer Woman (55:35)
StartHormone therapy and Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (34:22)
StartHormone therapy in Perimenopause (37:02)
StartHormone therapy: How and When to Use Testosterone (26:44)
StartComplex Cases: From live cohort 1 (77:19)
StartComplex Cases: From live cohort 2 (94:07)